Silent healing audios

A new and innovative approach to healing, silent audios are as the name suggests – audios without sounds. These silent audios are embedded with high-level healing frequencies that work directly on the energetic structure of an individual. The absence of a sound enables a client to play them at work, as they sleep, as they meditate, or any other time they choose. With these audios you can experience healing, even as you engage in other pursuits.
While these can be played anytime and anywhere, their optimal use is for the times when you find yourself relaxed and are able to sit or lie down to absorb their healing energies. They are also a great alternative for those who find words distracting and prefer the company of silence. If these revolutionary audios that offer silent healing sound interesting to you, contact Anagha to know more.

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Are you looking for support in breaking through your blocks or in manifesting your desires?